Gratitude - take two!

This afternoon I got a hysterical call from Shelby. She was in my mom's car & they were in an accident! Supermom MB kicked into gear and got there as fast as I could. Everyone is fine, the car, not so much! A friend on Facebook posted a "Glad List" on her page today. It reminded me that I have so much to be grateful for, including: Shelby Grace - I love her so much! Shelby & my mom were uninjured My most excellent friends (Traci is super-cool) ;o) My awesome job Kindness I'm down 58.8 pounds (as of 10:44 tonight!) Things really are looking up! Taking a fun hike yesterday with Shelby & Wilbur Trying new things The swamp is coming to life - the frogs are singing their songs! Indoor plumbing Laughter Smiles I'm going to close with a few of the pictures I took on our hike yesterday. Love and blessings to you all!!