What is s canxiety? It's the anxious, nervous, stressed out feeling that creeps up before scan time. I used to have to go in for a long MRI & chest x-ray every three months, then after three years I graduated to every six months for the last two years. Tomorrow I am going to Chicago (Northwestern Memorial) for my MRI & chest x-ray. I get the results on the 12th and if everything goes well, I should be bumped out to ANNUAL check-ups! I had this idea in my head of how this checkup would be so different because I had someone special in my life who would hold my hand and celebrate with me. But, he's gone away, right before the big test, and for good as far as I can tell. I thought I had finally met Mr. Right. The man of my dreams (okay, he snored loudly and was human), but he was my goofy man, and he made me laugh and feel safe. This was going to be the year that we would be together and things would...