Has it really been six months????

Random thoughts running through my mind over, and over, and over… Stop the madness! How the heck do I do this, alone, and not give up? I’m really tired Will I ever have someone who wants to hold my hand through all the good and bad stuff? No, not my kid, a partner, a companion, a lover, a best friend all in one. I have MAJOR body issues. Even after the gastric bypass surgery. Why is the state of Illinois so fucked up with regard to family law, and oh DUI laws? Why does sd & his mother hurt my sweet girl every chance they get? Do they not understand that she is 15 and SEES this? Fucking assholes. How can any parent do absolutely nothing to support a child (financially, emotionally or otherwise) and look in the mirror every day? Does my kid realize how much I love her? Okay, I guess I know the answer to this one… Still on bad days, I worry. Why do liars and cheaters seem to get away with so much and all the time?...