Now I've done it!

Of course, I forgot two very special people yesterday!!!!

Ugh! I spend all that time last night talking about my fantastic friends and I leave two very important people off the list!

Karen is my AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT friend who lives in a far away land called Switzerland! Some say she is the British/Swiss version of me (more Brit than Swiss so they tell me). I take that as a compliment! The first time she came to visit me, she stayed an extra day just to go to my tests with me – it was just six months after my radical resection of my tumor bed aka Big Ass Surgery! Yes, that’s what someone wants to do on their vacation… go and sit in a waiting room for a couple of hours, while your incredibly stressed out friend gets poked, prodded and MRI’d to death. Okay, that was a slight exaggeration, since I’m still here. The last time Karen came to visit, she babysat Shelby while I worked one day. She took me out for a belated 40th birthday celebration and slept in Shelby’s lovely pink & green bug themed room AGAIN! I don’t think there is anything I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling Karen
. She’s heard it all AND IS STILL MY FRIEND. Okay, maybe she’s a little nuts…. But I love her and am so grateful to have met her – all because we supported the same guy but in different countries. Cool, eh?

I’ve known
for at least 15 years. I’m thinking it’s more like 17-18, since her youngest was in diapers and I think he’s 19 now…. YIKES! I met her because she was a lifelong friend of my boyfriend Tom. We’d go up to Hancock, WI so Tom could hunt and then we’d visit Michell and her family. Tom and I didn’t last, but Michell and I did (with a few bumps in the road)! She’s got such a great smile and this Wisconsin accent (yes you do!) that is awesome. She is the person I call on the way home, just to bitch about Dana and the latest stunt he’s pulled, or just to hear a friendly voice. She laughs at me, usually when I’m trying to be funny, but sometimes when I’m accidentally funny! Now if only she’d be my FB friend, it would be perfect (kidding!) Michell is a very strong woman and smarter than she gives herself credit for.

I’m sorry I left you off of yesterday’s blog post – but now you've got your very own!!!! Both of you inspire me to keep on going, when things are tough.

Thank you for loving me when I feel unlovable.

mb xoxoxo


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