What should we name it???
These pictures were taken in March of 2008. The first shot is the northwest corner of my front yard. The second is the west edge of my property, through which a "river" runs.

Fast forward to January 2009 when Shelby ice skated in the yard!

On to March when things warm up a little...

Fast forward to January 2009 when Shelby ice skated in the yard!

And May where the water is starting to rise and creep south toward the house.
There's our much missed Teddy Bear wandering toward the lake, er yard.

I know we live in Wonder Lake (called "Wonder Tuckey" by the haters), but who the hell decided it was okay to toss a tire in our front yard??? Ahhh, summer in redneck country!
I wonder what that nasty green stuff is. It's like a bunch of green confetti, but slimy!
Shelby frog hunting in June!
That night, more rain... If it's dark, it's standing water.
June 18th, the water rises up to the house!
Today, July 19th, now a stream and a marsh????

Looking northeast from the "stream".
Street view (our house is the red one). Isn't that LOVELY????
This is the stream (formerly raging river) that runs through the far west edge of my property. The fence is mine, but my property goes past it (lucky me!)
This is a huge pipe (culvert?) that is on the edge of my property. The "natural flow" of the water is supposedly through this pipe.
But, it doesn't look like it's going anywhere... Yuck!
Pretty lily that grows anywhere, obviously, because it's in the nasty marsh/swamp/former lake area in my front yard.
Oooooh a frog! Cool, huh? If you need frogs, I've got 'em. Big or small. I've got toads & snakes too! Bring me a load of dirt and I'll let you hunt for reptiles and take home any you catch!
So, yeah, that's what I've been living with for quite some time. I have contacted the village. The village president told me the issue was my fault (apparently because I bought the property). The McHenry County Environmental Health Department determined that my well & septic were safe but sent the "case" over to the Planning & Development Department. P&D didn't return any of my phone calls made over 3 weeks, but closed the case stating that it is a matter of private property and that the ditch & pipe "system" was set up before the 2004 water protection act (or something like that). So, apparently I am screwed. If I alter my landscaping to keep the water off of my property, I can be held liable for any damage my changes "cause". I even contacted the Greenwood Township Highway Commissioner. He left a voicemail saying his hands were tied but he would call later with "suggestions". I'm sure these suggestions will call for me to pull money out of my rear - because I have no money!!!!!

Oh, our lovely Mallard Duck couple. Yes, this is in our front yard.

I know we live in Wonder Lake (called "Wonder Tuckey" by the haters), but who the hell decided it was okay to toss a tire in our front yard??? Ahhh, summer in redneck country!

Looking northeast from the "stream".

So, what should we name this body of water? Don't you think it needs one? Like "Lake get the hell outta my yard" or "Not My Problem Marsh"? Please, I need to find something good in this water hell I've been in for so long! My sump pump runs every day, probably 6 times an hour! I wonder if the county will give me money because, you know, groundwater is now protected. Yeah, probably not. Dammit!
I hope you've enjoyed the lovely pictures of our yard and the water that has taken over. I'll take any and all suggestions on names OR solutions to my seemingly unsolvable problem!
:) xo mb
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