What a change a couple of months can bring!!

Hi :)

How are you?

I'm doing better than I could've ever imagined!  So good, it's kind of scary, but I'm walking through my fear!!

I've met someone special.  I mean VERY special!  His name is Bill.  I'd post a picture of us, but I'll ask his permission first.  Not that I think he'd mind.  He is AMAZING!  Yeah, I know I sound like a school girl.  Too bad.  Deal with it people!  I've always heard people say "you know when you know".  Well, I know!  I know that some of my friends are concerned, because they  love me.  Only time will show them what I already know.  I'm near tears just writing this.  He makes me so happy!  When he's not here, I miss him.  Not a "oh my God, I wonder where he is or what he's doing" miss him, silly people.  A something is missing miss him, as in life is just that much better when he is around miss him. 

Shelby & I spent Christmas with his family & it was more fun that I would've ever thought possible!  He's got three kids and they are all AWESOME.  His mom is great, his brothers are hilarious & their significant others are fantastic as well.  It felt so good to be with people who weren't abso-fricking-lutely crazy nuts, intense.  Everything was perfect.  We were where we were supposed to be. 

Perhaps waiting, and not settling was the right choice.  Hehehe... Yeah, I'm a dork.  The Princess of Dorkdom, I know it!

Bill looks at me like no other man has ever looked at me.  I feel loved.  I feel so at ease with him.  He thinks I'm perfect! Now now, no need to tell him the truth.  He'll figure it out himself...  Shelby adores him.  Wilbur loves him more than me (NO FAIR) and Coco, well she is still an annoying, funny puppy.

Bill snores too! When he reads this, he will shake his head and argue that he doesn't.  Really it doesn't matter.  I'll take him, exactly the way he is.  Snoring all night long, as long as we're together!  It's getting harder to be away from each other.  Which isn't bad, not to me.  But it does stink, because we do have things that we must do apart from each other.  I suppose it's yet an extension in my lesson of patience.  Which kinda annoys me but I'll deal with it, because I know I'll love what the end result is!

Life is pretty darned good!  I am truly blessed!  So blessed, that I've got a big gratitude list!

  • Shelby
  • Bill
  • Love
  • Patience
  • Wilbur & Coconut
  • Indoor plumbing (as always)
  • Plenty of Fish (where I met Bill) website
  • Cancelling my POF membership, and all other online dating memberships
  • Laughter
  • Sore cheeks & belly (from aforementioned laughter)
  • Blue eyes that look at me adoringly
  • Feeling right at home in the arms of a wonderful man
  • Love
  • Love
  • Love
  • Did I mention LOVE?
Can you tell I like him a little?  Yup I does! 

Okay, so that's it for now.  I hope you all are doing well and that you had a wonderful Christmas! 

Please have a safe and Happy New Year!

Love & blessings my friends!!


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