
Hi Everyone!

Today was a long day!

First, Nicki came over and colored Shelby's hair.  I think there are 4 colors, but I'm not sure.  Is that bad? :o)

Next, we drove to Crystal Lake and had lunch with my mom.  Then, we went to her house and Shelby got changed into her costume.  Unfortunately it was quite chilly and she had to cover it up with a sweatshirt, but her hair got enough attention!  Great-grandpa and Sweetie the dog went trick or treating with us for a while too.  It was nice.  But after about 45 minutes, we had had enough.

Then, I decided to drive down the road & drop in on a friend who we haven't seen in quite some time.  I drove up, and there was an adorable dog looking out the front door.  I said to Shelby "Is this their house?  They don't have a dog!"  But it had to be their house... I mean, I didn't get anything that said they moved.  So we went up to the door and knocked and - we were in the right place!!!  Shelby was so patient (and had fun playing with the puppy) while I caught up with my old friend. 

Bandit - I just wanted to snuggle up to him, he is soooo cute!

Meagan is someone who, no matter how much time goes by, every time I see her, I smile!  She is such a fantabulous person!  I've realized that when you're a grown-up, life sometimes gets in the way and can trip up friendships.  But, I am so lucky to have several special people in my life who love me even from a distance when life is crazy.

I hope hope hope that Meagan gets online soon so I can bug her electronically, instead of just showing up on her doorstep.  :)  I didn't realize how much I missed her until I gave her a big hug!  I am so glad that she was home!!!!

When we came home, we went trick or treating again. Man it was cold! I really do love living just down the street from the lake, it looks so pretty!

Oh, and we saw a dog who totally reminded me of our Teddy Bear!  Her name is Marina and i couldn't get a good picture of her - but look \/ doesn't she look like our Teddy?  Tears welled up when I saw her.  I miss that cranky old fart of a dog!

Today, I am so full of gratitude for...
  • Shelby
  • Nicki
  • Meagan
  • Being alive!
  • Surviving two trick or treating trips!
  • Laughter
  • Friendship
  • The internet
  • Feeling loved!
Love and blessings to you my friends!


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