Woo hoooooooo!

Well, the surgeon's office called me on Friday but I missed the call!  UGH!  I'm going to call them first thing tomorrow (Monday) and hopefully they will set up my pre-op and surgery dates.  Then, I'll have to figure out all the other stuff!  I'm getting pretty excited though!

Karen & I went to the Kenosha Outlet Mall Friday.  I bought a whole bunch of goodies for Shelby.  Then Karen mentioned something about Shelby having way too many clothes... Yes, but a lot of them don't fit!  I try and try, but that kid won't let anything go!  So, Karen offered to go through Shelby's dressers with her!  woo hoooo again!

Saturday night, Karen and I went to Chicago.  Had a wonderfully yummy meal at Ruth's Chris and then we went on to Davenport's Piano Bar.  A friend, Dan, who I hadn't seen since high school in MN works there as a bartender part time.  They had a nice show.  Very interactive and funny!  Dan sang AND played the violin while we were there - very impressive.  Dan looks EXACTLY the same. Okay, his hair is shorter, but that's the only stinking difference! 

After Davenports, we went to Howl at the Moon.  Karen had gone there last weekend with another group of people and really had a good time.  It is quite cool!  Dueling pianos, playing requests from all genres and all the musicians seem to sing, play piano, drums and guitar!  It was amazing.  I took lots of pictures.  None were taken of me.  At least none that will be shared right now.  Maybe as "before" pictures for later...

Over the last few weeks, I have become painfully aware of how heavy I've gotten.  220 isn't a lot for some, but for me, it's an extra person!  My back always hurts.  I can't breathe half the time.  I'm definitely not getting much sleep and I'm just getting more miserable (with my weight) by the second.  I am so glad that I've been given insurance approval for my surgery!  I am so ready for this change.  It's going to be HUGE.  I know.  It's going to be hard.  I know.  But, I need it.  I can't continue down this road much further. 

So, tomorrow is a new day.  Hopefully it will the official beginning of this new phase of my life!

Gratitude for today:
  • Shelby
  • Karen!!!!!
  • Karen & Shelby got through three drawers of clothes so far!
  • Friends
  • Laughter
  • Love
  • Music
  • The power of prayer
Love and blessings to everyone!!


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