3 Weeks Post-Op Update & New Hair

Hi Everyone,

This is going to be yet another short post, but wanted to let you know that as of 10:20pm tonight, 3 weeks post-op, I have lost 27.1 pounds!  I'm getting closer to the 180s (I weighed 189 the DAY I delivered Shelby almost 12 years ago!)  I am psyched!!!!

Let's see what else?  Oh, Shelby got the stomach flu and puked in the grocery store! Thank God she made it to the bathroom!  I've been trying for months to arrange a sleepover for Shelby at my sister & brother-in-law's house.  They have two little girls (1 & 3) and the oldest was just dying to see her big cousin Shelby!  Well, every time we made plans, one of them was sick.  This time, on Friday the little one threw up, but we thought it was something she had eaten.  The next morning she was okay, so we kept our plans.  Well we met half way between our houses and did the Shelby swap and that night the oldest was puking and then my sister was getting sick so by 8:30am Sunday I had gotten the call to pick up Shelby.  I didn't hear the phone ring, thank goodness my cell phone beeped loud enough so I could hear it!  So, by about 10:30ish, I had Shelby back home!  Then, by Monday afternoon she was saying she wasn't feeling well.  Then the puking in the store.  LOVELY!  My sister and I have agreed that there will be no more visits unless everyone has been healthy for DAYS before!!!

Oh, since surgery, I have only taken the medicines that are small enough for me to swallow.  So, instead of Nexium, I am taking generic Zantac.  I'm able to take my Singulair for allergies/asthma.  But I haven't taken my Prozac.  I tried mixing with pudding and that was just HORRIBLE.  And, after a couple of weeks, I realized that I still need it (the stress and trauma are still there DUH mb!)  So I checked and it does come in liquid form.  I picked up a partial of the prescription today and can I just say it tastes worse than ANY other medication I have taken.  It's just NASTY!  I am not joking!  I called Walgreens and they said the suggested flavors to add are bubble gum, orange or watermelon.  I told them lets try bubble gum for the balance of the prescription.  I am hope hope hoping that the bubble gum is easier to get down!  There is one more medication that I may or may not get.  It's for my allergies and of course, my allergies aren't acting up right now.  It's Allegra, so I think I'll just wait until I go to see my allergist in the spring.

Hmmmmm, I'm still worn out.  But not as bad as the first two weeks.  However, being up with Shelby last night (all night) did wear me out!

OH!  I changed my hair color!  What do you think?  The pics were taken with my webcam, and the lighting isn't that great.  My hair is darker, reddish, mahoganyish!  I like it, but I was warned that reds tend to fade more quickly.  Awwww, who cares, right?!

Love and blessings to you all!!!!


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