7 days post-op!

Hi there!

This is going to be a short post.

A more detailed (and animated) version of the past week is on my youtube channel :)
Today is 7 days post op and I weigh 196 pounds!  That is down from my 12/16 weight of 218.7.  22.7 pounds GONE!!!!

Tomorrow is a big day.  I'm going in at 8am and they will remove my drain (man that thing sucks!) and the 16 staples which close the five different incisions on my belly!  If all goes well, I will be allowed to go on a full liquid diet (I've been on a clear liquid diet since surgery!)  I can NOT wait because I am sick sick sick of sugar free jello, popcicles and broth!  Not that I'm hungry.  I'm just sick of tasting that stuff every single day!

Besides that.  Shelby has been such a good helper.  I am going to have to treat her to something special when I'm back to 100%!

Okay, that's it for today.  I'm tired.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic 2010 so far! :)

Love and blessings to you all!!!!


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