I wonder how many parents are dealing with a sick kid, within a week of school starting. UGH! I had a migraine Tuesday and stayed home, tried to work as much as possible (in between my hours in a quiet dark room). The school called 4-5 times about Shelby not feeling well. The school nurse & I decided to just send her home on the bus after school. This morning, her throat hurts. No fever, but she's making a good argument for staying home. I cave & let her stay home. As the day goes by, I think hmmmm , maybe she's not as sick as she acted earlier today... Then, she has this strange look on her face and says something about not being able to swallow. I get my handy dandy flashlight and take a look. Now, I couldn't tell you if glands are swollen, like some very talented moms, so I really have no idea what I'm looking at/for. Nothing really red, but one side is definitely swollen. Now, guess what time that was? Around 4:25, so I call the pediatrician's office rig...