I feel prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Hi Everyone,

So, what do you think of my pretty new blog layout? Cool huh?

Thank you so much for your help Traci!!!!! Thanks also to Ramona the Pest who created the layout! That's her name, right Traci?

Oh, Traci (hehe, you're an internet superstar now!) the header is white on my home pc.... Maybe it's the old version of IE at work??? Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! Of course, I do NOT access personal items using my work computer, that is crazy!

I hope you enjoy the new pretty colors!

:) xo mb


  1. MB I love your new layout and I'm SOOOOOOO jealous!!!! Some day you'll have to teach this computer-illiterate dork how to do that!! :)

  2. Well, um, Traci told me what to do, so I'm not sure if I could help you either! LOL We'll figure it out! :)


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