Just beautiful!

I want to share with you the walk I took with Shelby Sunday evening.

This is at the end of our block, isn't it beautiful??

The sun was just beginning to set...

Isn't this just lovely?

The sunset reflecting off the water was just gorgeous!

Shelby walked to the end of the pier...
for some reason, I wasn't too keen on following her.

The sky was captivating!

But, I did finally walk to the pier and look what I saw...

Isn't she adorable????
I bet the temperature dropped at least 15 degrees in an hours time, she was getting cold!

The moon looked lovely as well.

Then, Shelby said "it's too cold, I wanna go home!" and back to reality we went...
Tomorrow, I turn 41. I don't feel 41.
I remember when 41 was OLD!
Not anymore!
40 is the new 20!!!!
So, I'm turning 21 tomorrow... right?
Love & blessings to you all,


  1. So, if you are turning 21, can I buy you your first legal drink? :)

  2. Yes, please! One kiddie cocktail please! :)


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